23 Comprehension Practice Answer Key 1. What does it mean to “file” a case? Submit or enter a document so it will be recorded correctly and with the proper authority. 2. What two laws did Allred use when filing the case? A city ordinance that prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, specifically in housing, employment, and public accommodations, and the Unruh Civil Rights Act. 3. What was the purpose of the injunction? The purpose of the injunction was to stop the Papa Choux restaurant from discriminating against same-sex couples. 4. What reason does the first judge give for not ordering an injunction? The judge believed the case was too important and should be heard by a higher court. 5. Line 44: What is the double standard that Johnson refers to when speaking about the lower court? The judge suggested there might be a different way of applying the law to lesbians. 6. The case was on the front page of several newspapers. Why do you think this was front-page news in 1983? There are several possible answers to this question. One might be that gay rights were just coming to the forefront of people’s consciousness. Another might be that both Allred and the Papa Choux restaurant publicized the case. Another might be that it was the first time the laws were tested. 7. What did the appellate court decide? The appellate court ruled that the Papa Choux restaurant could not discriminate against same-sex couples. Rolón and Johnson won their case. 8. What impact did the California Supreme Court’s decision have on the appellate court’s ruling? Because the California Supreme Court refused to hear the case, the decision of the appellate court was the final decision. 9. The Papa Choux restaurant closed the booths and held a public wake for the death of romantic dining. What do you think their motivations were for doing this? There are several possible answers. They believed that romantic dining should be reserved for couples that consisted of one man and one woman. They garnered publicity by closing the booths. 10. Johnson compares their case to incidents in the segregated South. To what incidents might she be referring? Is this a fair comparison? Why or why not? Students should use examples from topics studied in class, including Rosa Parks refusing to sit at the back of the bus or segregated dining facilities.